Our firm assisted NBA attorneys and Dallas Mavericks with an investigation to secure cooperation for a former employee. Additionally, our team assisted the employee with crisis management, interviews, and PR.

Heyday PR & marketing has assisted NFL professional athletes such as Ricky Jackson, Keith Carlos, Jay Barnett, and Kelvin Edwards Sr., with publicity and public relations matters.

Heyday Public Relations & Marketing assisted WNBA Dallas Wings with audience engagement.

We executed publicity and audience development for Rise Against Hunger. Securing an interviewing with KHOU's Debra Duncan.

Our team assisted Shawn Cotton, Say Cheese TV's CEO with gaining publicity for a local event. Shawn organized The Don't Shoot, Hands Up rally in Dallas, Texas (to honor Michael Brown). We disseminated PSA's, and press releases to our local media. Cotton interviewed with WFAA's John McCaa. This event was supported by Black Lives Matter.

On occasions, our firm has assisted Princess Pope, CEO of Guns & Roses Boutique with copy for testimonials, and PR/marketing advice.

Our firm assisted Cosign Magazine with gaining press for their 4th Annual Cosign Experience, Presented by Villa (2017).